Porn Addiction

Quitting porn is not a mystery. It is not complex. Yet, so many men become frustrated and feel hopeless when their attempts to quit fail. In this article, I’ll introduce what is the key reasons so many men have a hard time stopping their porn watching compulsion, and how to quit – permanently. Quitting Porn

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Marriage Principles

Success can come quickly when we focus our attention on what truly matters. Too often we look for quick solutions which result in only temporary fixes. Success, in all matters, comes when we focus on our mindset, beliefs, and values. An Affinity for Quick Fixes We live in a world today that wants microwave quick

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Porn Addiction

We all have habits. Some habits serve us. Other habits are desructive. How do you stop a destructive habit? Is it even possible? The answer is yes, it is possible, and today you will learn one technique how to do it. Life Coaches and Marriage Coaches use similar techniques to help clients to suceed more in

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Porn Addiction

Men have a hard time quitting porn. Once they understand they have to quit, most men resort to common advice and methods. Common advice rarely works. There are proven reasons that explain why. When trying to quit, a man goes through three stages. In this article I explain the progression through the three stages, and

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Marriage Principles

Emotional Intelligence is critical to the quality of marriage. The more emotional intelligence skills each partner has, the happier the marriage is. In this introductory article, I’ll cover two important aspects of emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is a key part of the marriage foundation. The marriage foundation consists of your 13 Personal Needs and Emotional Intelligence.

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