Happy Marriage Coaching
Reignite the Love

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Reignite The Love - Week 2

Reignite the Love

Week 2 Assessment
- Self-Control Assessment

Self-control is the ability to manage your internal states and impulses for a desired outcome. This assessment measures your level of self-control.

Reignite the Love

Week 2 Call
- Listen, Watch, or Download

The week 2 call introduces you to the elements of emotional intelligence and how to develop life-long skills.

Reignite the Love

Lesson 5
- Intro to Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills are the proper delivery of the 13 Personal Needs. Good EI skills are shown to help in all aspects of life including career, marriage, and every personal relationship.

Reignite the Love

Lesson 6
- "State" and Blueprints

The "state" you bring to a marriage dictates the quality of your marriage. Long-term, your blueprint sets your course. Learn how to control your "state" and use it to your advantage. 

Reignite the Love

Lesson 7
- The Marriage Friendship

Couples often treat their spouse differently from other friends. The marriage friendship is a special relationship, but is it better to treat it so differently?

Reignite the Love

Lesson 8
- The Power of Commitment

Couples that stay married are committed to the marriage. Commitment is more than just words, it takes action. Follow this 5-step plan to re-commit to your marriage.


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