The family dinner is the best time to create a happy marriage. While most families are starved for time together, the family dinner is a great opportunity to have that time together. Research over the years continually finds that families ...

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Divorce is embedded in our legal system and culture. In this article I cover some background, the current status, after effects, and how to prevent divorce. I spell it out in a way that lays the facts on the table. Some ...

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The home cooked family dinner is a tradition and fundamental part of many cultures. A recent Slate article calls it tyrannical. The September 3 article written by Amanda Marcotte called “Let’s Stop Idealizing the Home Cooked Family Dinner” uses a ...

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Deepak Chopra is a medical and health expert focusing on spirituality and personal happiness. He has written and produced many books and DVD’s. In regards to happiness, Deepak Chopra looks to the ancients and how they solved the mystery of ...

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